Investigation on Thermodynamic Equilibrium Conditions of Methane Hydrates in Multiphase Gas-Dominant Pipelines

Sayani, J.K.S. and Pedapati, S.R. and Kassim, Z. and Lal, B. (2021) Investigation on Thermodynamic Equilibrium Conditions of Methane Hydrates in Multiphase Gas-Dominant Pipelines. ACS Omega, 6 (4). pp. 2505-2512. ISSN 24701343

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The estimation of thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of methane hydrates in the presence of crude oil based on experiments is shown in this research work. This pipeline system replicated the gas-dominant multiphase transmission pipelines at deep-sea regions. An experimental study is done by the usage of a Raman gas hydrate reactor. The pressure was maintained in the range of 3-8 MPa for the experimental study. The water cut is kept constant throughout the system as 30. Initially, the experimental setup is calibrated by using carbon dioxide gas. Then, methane hydrates are formed with and without crude oil. The methane hydrates that are created without the presence of crude oil are validated with simulation that is performed using CSMGEM, PVTSIM software, and literature data. Then, the thermodynamic conditions are found for the methane hydrate formation in the presence of crude oil with an addition of a 15 oil cut to the system. From these results, the phase behavior of a multiphase system is evaluated. The formation of methane hydrates in the system was found to be affected by the presence of an additional oil phase that exhibited an inhibition behavior. This research validates all the multiphase systems that contain similar hydrocarbon and gas compositions. © 2021 American Chemical Society.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 10
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:29
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:29

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