Bored piles in tropical soils and rocks: Shaft and base resistances, t-z and q-w models

Ong, Y.H. and Toh, C.T. and Chee, S.K. and Mohamad, H. (2021) Bored piles in tropical soils and rocks: Shaft and base resistances, t-z and q-w models. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 174 (2). pp. 193-224. ISSN 13532618

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Analyses of load tests on 100 instrumented bored piles in different weathering grades of different tropical geological formations of peninsular Malaysia enabled correlations of ultimate shaft and base resistance with standard penetration test (SPT) results and unconfined compression strengths. The data also enabled development of shaft resistance (t-z) and base resistance (q-w) models that are related to SPT, unconfined compressive strength and rock types. The t-z models can be used for strain softening and strain hardening while the q-w models are for strain hardening and stiffening behaviour. The models thus developed were applied for analysis of 35 piles in the database that were loaded until the load-settlement curves were significantly non-linear. Most of the analyses resulted in a reasonable match with the measured load-settlement and load-transfer curves up to 1.5 times the pile working load, regardless of whether the q-w function was strain hardening or stiffening. Accurate matching with measured load-settlement and load-transfer curves for 1.5-3 times working load was conditional on the correct choice of the q-w function. The models were further tested against 27 published load test results from across the world. © 2021 ICE Publishing. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 4
Uncontrolled Keywords: Compressive strength; Geotechnical engineering; Load testing; Strain hardening; Tropics; Weathering, Geological formation; Load-settlement curves; Shaft resistance; Standard penetration test; Strain-softening; Unconfined compression strength; Unconfined compressive strength; Weathering grades, Piles, compressive strength; field method; model; penetration test; pile; rock mechanics; shaft; tropical soil, Malaysia; West Malaysia
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:29
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:29

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