Patterned membrane in an energy-efficient tilted panel filtration system for fouling control in activated sludge filtration

Osman, A. and Nawi, N.I.M. and Samsuri, S. and Bilad, M.R. and Shamsuddin, N. and Khan, A.L. and Jaafar, J. and Nordin, N.A.H. (2020) Patterned membrane in an energy-efficient tilted panel filtration system for fouling control in activated sludge filtration. Polymers, 12 (2). ISSN 20734360

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A membrane bioreactor enhances the overall biological performance of a conventional activated sludge system for wastewater treatment by producing high-quality effluent suitable for reuse. However, membrane fouling hinders the widespread application of membrane bioreactors by reducing the hydraulic performance, shortening membrane lifespan, and increasing the operational costs for membrane fouling management. This study assesses the combined effect of membrane surface corrugation and a tilted panel in enhancing the impact of air bubbling for membrane fouling control in activated sludge filtration, applicable for membrane bioreactors. The filterability performance of such a system was further tested under variable parameters: Filtration cycle, aeration rate, and intermittent aeration. Results show that a combination of surface corrugation and panel tilting enhances the impact of aeration and leads to 87 permeance increment. The results of the parametric study shows that the highest permeance was achieved under short filtration-relaxation cycle of 5 min, high aeration rate of 1.5 L/min, and short switching period of 2.5 min, to yield the permeances of 465 ± 18, 447 ± 2, and 369 ± 9 L/(m2h bar), respectively. The high permeances lead to higher operational flux that helps to lower the membrane area as well as energy consumption. Initial estimation of the fully aerated system yields the energy input of 0.152 kWh/m3, much lower than data from the full-scale references of <0.4 kWh/m3. Further energy savings and a lower system footprint can still be achieved by applying the two-sided panel with a switching system, which will be addressed in the future. © 2020 by the authors.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 19
Uncontrolled Keywords: Activated sludge process; Bioconversion; Biological water treatment; Bioreactors; Effluent treatment; Effluents; Energy efficiency; Energy utilization; Membrane fouling; Membranes; Wastewater reclamation; Wastewater treatment, Activated sludge; Biological performance; Conventional activated sludges; Corrugated membranes; Hydraulic performance; Intermittent aeration; Membrane bioreactor; Tilted panel, Microfiltration
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:28
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:28

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