3D nanoporous hybrid nanoflower for enhanced non-faradaic redox-free electrochemical impedimetric biodetermination

Subramani, I.G. and Perumal, V. and Gopinath, S.C.B. and Mohamed, N.M. and Joshi, N. and Ovinis, M. and Sze, L.L. (2020) 3D nanoporous hybrid nanoflower for enhanced non-faradaic redox-free electrochemical impedimetric biodetermination. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 116. pp. 26-35. ISSN 18761070

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Recently, non-faradaic electrochemical impedimetric (nfEIS) has been identified as a dynamic and robust method for bio-determining. However, the success of a nfEIS approach largely depends on its sensing layer architecture. In this study, the use of a Glutaraldehyde (GA) crosslinked copper (Cu) � bovine serum albumin (BSA) hybrid nanoflower with three-dimensional nanoporous architecture for the sensing layer was investigated. The nanoflower morphology changes were observed under FESEM, revealing loosely interlaced nanoflower into a tightly interlaced, highly porous structure upon GA crosslinking. This nanoflower was hybridized to immobilize aminated-DNA probe on the transducer surface and detect the target TB DNA in their natural redox-free environment. FTIR and XPS characterization showed distinct peaks at 950�1100 cm�1 (P-O, P=O bonds from nanoflower and DNA backbone) and 286.48 eV (interaction between BSA and aminated DNA), respectively, validating the successful DNA probe immobilization on the nanoflower surface. Furthermore, impedimetric sensing in a redox-free environment showed that the developed TB biosensor present has a detection limit (LOD) of 60 pM with a (linear) range from 1 pM to 1 µM with good reproducibility. This redox-free non-faradaic EIS offers excellent biosensing potential and may be extended for diagnosing other biomarkers in clinical practice. © 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 10
Uncontrolled Keywords: DNA; Mammals; Morphology; Probes, Bovine serum albumins; Clinical practices; Detection limits; Morphology changes; Porous structures; Reproducibilities; Transducer surface; XPS characterization, Nanoflowers
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:27
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:27
URI: https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/id/eprint/12536

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