Analysis of a hybrid fractal curve antenna using the segmentation method

Jamil, A. and Yusoff, M.Z. and Yahya, N. (2020) Analysis of a hybrid fractal curve antenna using the segmentation method. Engineering Reports, 2 (11). ISSN 25778196

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A microstrip-fed hybrid Fractal antenna for WLAN application is presented in this article. The proposed antenna is composed of meander and Koch elements combined to form a longer curve that extends the electrical length. This approach simultaneously reduces the operating frequency and antenna size. The Green's functions and segmentation method are used to calculate the input impedance of the hybrid Fractal antenna. For analysis, the amalgamated antenna shape is decomposed into simple regular segments. The impedance parameters of the newly arranged shapes are calculated by the corresponding Green's functions. The impedance matrix equations of all the segments are presented so as to display in a single matrix whose solution determines the input impedance of the complete antenna geometry. To validate the theory, a prototype of the proposed antenna has been numerically simulated and experimentally measured. © 2020 The Authors. Engineering Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 4
Uncontrolled Keywords: Curve fitting; Electric impedance; Electric impedance measurement; Fractals; Matrix algebra; Partial discharges, Antenna geometry; Electrical length; Impedance matrix equation; Impedance parameters; Input impedance; Operating frequency; Segmentation methods; WLAN applications, Antennas
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:27
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:27

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