Laminar, transitional and turbulent annular flow of drag-reducing polymer solutions

Japper-Jaafar, A. and Escudier, M.P. and Poole, R.J. (2010) Laminar, transitional and turbulent annular flow of drag-reducing polymer solutions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 165 (19-20). pp. 1357-1372. ISSN 03770257

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Mean and rms axial velocity-profile data obtained using laser Doppler anemometry are presented together with pressure-drop data for the flow through a concentric annulus (radius ratio κ= 0.506) of a Newtonian (a glycerine-water mixture) and non-Newtonian fluids-a semi-rigid shear-thinning polymer (a xanthan gum) and a polymer known to exhibit a yield stress (carbopol). A wider range of Reynolds numbers for the transitional flow regime is observed for the more shear-thinning fluids. In marked contrast to the Newtonian fluid, the higher shear stress on the inner wall compared to the outer wall does not lead to earlier transition for the non-Newtonian fluids where more turbulent activity is observed in the outer wall region. The mean axial velocity profiles show a slight shift (�5) of the location of the maximum velocity towards the outer pipe wall within the transitional regime only for the Newtonian fluid. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 55
Uncontrolled Keywords: Annular flows; Axial velocity; Carbopol; Concentric annuli; Drag-reducing polymers; Drop data; Flowthrough; Inner walls; Laser Doppler anemometry; LDA; Maximum velocity; Newtonian fluids; Newtonians; Non-Newtonian fluids; Outer pipes; Profile data; Radius ratio; Semi-rigid; Shear thinning; Shear thinning fluids; Transition; Transitional flow regimes; Turbulent activity; Wall region; Water mixture; Xanthan Gum, Drag reduction; Flow measurement; Fluids; Glycerol; Non Newtonian liquids; Reynolds number; Rheology; Shear flow; Viscous flow; Yield stress, Non Newtonian flow
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 15:49
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 15:49

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