Corrosion inhibition of steel in multiple flow loop under 3.5 NaCl in the presence of rice straw extracts, lignin and ethylene glycol

Yahya, S. and Othman, N.K. and Ismail, M.C. (2019) Corrosion inhibition of steel in multiple flow loop under 3.5 NaCl in the presence of rice straw extracts, lignin and ethylene glycol. Engineering Failure Analysis, 100. pp. 365-380. ISSN 13506307

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The investigation of steel corrosion has been done in a multiple flow loop (corrosion test rack) under hydrodynamic condition. Further, the performance of rice straw extracts (RSE), lignin (L) and ethylene glycol (EG) to inhibit the corrosion were studied through weight loss analysis. The data has been tabulated based on the different position of steel specimen in corrosion test rack; middle, elbow and the end of the rack. The initial study was performed at 30 °C of 3.5 NaCl alone and showed slight corrosion damage with the appearance of pitting and oxide growth. The degradation of steel surface was depending on its position in the rack which experienced different flow. A study at 40 °C with inhibitor solution revealed a significant inhibition. NaCl alone and EG exhibited severe corrosion at the end of the rack. In contrast, the use of RSE and lignin inhibitors reduced the corrosion attack significantly at the end of the rack. The effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitors was depending on the chemical constituents, structure, functional groups as well as the composition of the compounds. The order of the best performance of corrosion inhibitor was; RSE > L > EG. Localized pitting corrosion is a primary type of corrosion attack before general and erosion-corrosion take place. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 25
Uncontrolled Keywords: Corrosion inhibitors; Erosion; Ethylene; Ethylene glycol; Lignin; Lunar surface analysis; Pitting; Polyols; Sodium alloys; Sodium chloride; Steel; Steel research; Steel testing; Surface analysis, Chemical constituents; Corrosion attack; Corrosion inhibition; Erosion - corrosions; Flow loops; Hydrodynamic conditions; Localized pitting corrosions; Weight loss, Steel corrosion, Corrosion Inhibitors; Erosion; Ethylene Glycol; Pitting
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:26
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:26

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