A pedagogical evaluation of knowledge acquisition by social media users

Riaz, S. and Mushtaq, A. (2019) A pedagogical evaluation of knowledge acquisition by social media users. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (8). pp. 1156-1163. ISSN 22783075

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Learning is remarkably a complex process that is influenced by a variety of factors. Observational learning also referred to as modeling or social learning occurs by observing, retaining, and replicating behavior seen in others. This phenomena is also applicable in the virtual world as social media is massive, full of information and resources which makes it ideal for promoting meta-cognitive processes, active-learning, and connectivism. This primary research was driven by the fact that today�s learning environment has significantly expanded and individuals no longer have to simply adapt to what has been learnt but now have the ability to expand their learning terrain by pushing the knowledge acquisition boundaries of the traditional social learning environment. This study synthesizes the current literature on social learning theory and social media, proposes a conceptual framework to apply Albert Bandura�s social learning theory on social media environment and empirically validates through statistical intervention, effect of Bandura�s social learning theory on knowledge acquisition by social media users. Primary data was collected through questionnaire method and analyzed in Predictive Analytical Software. Factorial ANOVA and Mixed Factorial techniques were used to test hypotheses, while Sphericity was assessed through a Mauchly�s Test of Sphericity. Results were able to substantiate with reliable difference and significance that knowledge acquisition through social learning occurs on social media in the form of non-linear, symbolic and construct/deconstruct learning. © BEIESP.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 0
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:26
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:26
URI: https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/id/eprint/11552

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