Development of novel hydrophilic ionic liquid membranes for the recovery of biobutanol through pervaporation

Sajjad, Z. and Gilani, M.A. and Nizami, A.-S. and Bilad, M.R. and Khan, A.L. (2019) Development of novel hydrophilic ionic liquid membranes for the recovery of biobutanol through pervaporation. Journal of Environmental Management, 251. ISSN 03014797

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This paper aims to develop novel hydrophilic ionic liquid membranes using pervaporation for the recovery of biobutanol. Multiple polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes based on three commercial ionic liquids with different loading were prepared for various experimental trials. The ionic liquids selected for the study include tributyl (tetradecyl) phosphonium chloride (TBTDPCl), tetrabutyl phosphonium bromide (TBPBr) and tributyl methyl phosphonium methylsulphate (TBMPMS). The synthesized membranes were characterized and tested in a custom-built pervaporation set-up. All ionic liquid membranes showed better results with total flux of 1.58 kg/m2h, 1.43 kg/m2h, 1.38 kg/m2h at 30% loading of TBPBr, TBMPMS and TBTDPCl respectively. The comparison of ionic liquid membranes revealed that by incorporating TBMPMS to PVA matrix resulted in a maximum separation factor of 147 at 30 wt% loading combined with a relatively higher total flux of 1.43 kg/m2h. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were also carried out to evaluate the experimental observations along with theoretical studies. The improved permeation properties make these phosphonium based ionic liquid a promising additive in PVA matrix for butanol-water separation under varying temperature conditions. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 9
Uncontrolled Keywords: biofuel; butanol; ionic liquid; phosphonium derivative; polyvinyl alcohol; tetrabutyl phosphonium bromide; tributyl methyl phosphonium methylsulphate; tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride; unclassified drug; butanol; water, alcohol; cleaner production; climate change; experimental study; ionic liquid; membrane; recovery; separation, Article; comparative study; density functional theory; hydrophilicity; liquid membrane; membrane permeability; pervaporation; theoretical study; artificial membrane, Butanols; Ionic Liquids; Membranes, Artificial; Polyvinyl Alcohol; Water
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 03:25
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 03:25

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