Content Submission

Publications in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS's Repository include peer-reviewed journal articles,theses,Final Year Project (FYP) and other materials of research and scholarly natures.

There are a number of guidelines related to copyright and the University's policy that are important to consider when submitting material to the Research Repository.

Any UTP faculty member and UTP student can submit their scholarly work to the institutional repository in these easy steps. You can submit:

  • Theses
  • Final Year Project
  • Journal articles
  • Book chapters
  • Conference presentations
  • Working papers

Please get your login account from our administrator before using UTPedia.

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Contributing To The Research Repository

Material which represents publicly available research and scholarly output of the University can be submitted to the UTP Research Repository (

It is a mandatory requirement that refereed research papers written by UTP educational and research staff be submitted to University's research repository.Other material must satisfy the requirements of the research repository policy & guidelines to be accepted and made publicly accessible.

The creator of an original work is considered the 'author'. Papers which have been co-authored with colleagues from other universities or institutions should also be deposited.

Current UTP staff and higher degree research candidates may upload their complete set of publications, regardless of where they were working at the time of publication of their papers.

How To Submit

The University has implemented a research publication system called UTPedia ( which gathers information on your research publications.

Once you have claimed a publication you can deposit it into the Research Repository by clicking on the deposit icon from within UTPedia. You can attach a full-text copy of your publications at the same time.

For assistance or training in using UTPedia, contact the KMU Team or your college librarian details are available on the (

As always you can send an email to the KMU Repository Team at ( for assistance.

Submit Theses

Submission of theses to UTPedia is coordinated by the Centre for Graduates Studies (CGS):

  • Qualifying students must complete a UTPedia Submission form as part of thesis deposit process.
  • Students must submit three copies of their thesis, including one for the KM Unit, which will normally be in electronic format.
  • KM Unit copy should preferably be in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format and on a CD.
  • Students lodging an electronic copy of a thesis with a completed UTPedia submission form agree to allow the KM Unit to publish the material in electronic format.
  • Restriction of access to full text of submitted theses may be possible in specific cases. In order for access to the full text to be restricted, contact must be initiated by the author with the CGS.The GRC will be responsible for approving restrictions and will advise the KM Unit as appropriate.

Acceptable Formats

  • PDF(the preferred format)
  • HTML
  • Postscript
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Word
  • Video MPEG, QuickTime, AVI
  • URL link to the accessible full text content where it resides on another website.