Conference Paper RDF
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- Intelligent approach for optimal energy management of chiller plant using fuzzy and PSO techniques
- Intelligent demand side management technique for industrial consumer
- Intelligent fault diagnosis for instrument in gas transportation system
- Intelligent fault diagnostic model for rotating machinery
- Intelligent methods for weather forecasting: A review
- Intelligent Offloading Decision and Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing
- Intelligent personal monitoring system for fire rescue operation: A case study
- Intensity noise mitigation in SAC OCDMA systems using a divided spectrum balanced detection scheme
- Interaction Diagram in Finite Element Analysis of Deflection of Pretensioned Inverted T-Beam with Web Openings Strengthened with GFRP Laminates
- Interaction protocol for agent-based e-learning system
- Interactive stylized silhouette for point-sampled geometry
- Interference Management Using Fractional Frequency Reuse for Ultra Dense Networks at Downlink Transmission
- Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) based damping controllers for damping low frequency oscillations in a power system
- Internal model control for industrial wireless plant subject to measured round trip delays
- Interoperation of elements in process safety management via ontology-oriented architecture
- Interval type 2 fuzzy logic for significant wave height forecasting
- Introduction to A Compromise Programming Based Method for Complex Scheduling and Planning Problems
- Introduction to the pico hydro power and the status of implementation in Malaysia
- Investigating collaborative interaction using interactive table and IR devices
- Investigating eye-strain due to prolonged exposure to low resolution multimedia using LSFG
- Investigating Mechanical Properties of Interlocking Concrete Blocks by Recycling Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate - A Sustainable Approach
- Investigating requirement engineering techniques in the context of small and medium software enterprises
- Investigating sensory modalities in fatigue driver warning systems
- Investigating social software usage for knowledge sharing purpose among students: A Malaysian Higher Education perspective
- Investigating the Challenges of Blended MOOCs for English Language Learning: A Pilot Study
- Investigating the educational effectiveness of gamebased learning for IT education
- Investigating the effect of cornering maneuver on the performance of bituminous racetrack pavement
- Investigating the Effect of Nested Interruptions and Levels of Cognitive Demand on Mental States
- Investigating the Extent of the Impact of Acetic Acid as Halite Precipitation Reduction Agent for Enhancing CO2 Injectivity in Deep Saline Aquifers
- Investigating the Impact of Illumination and Viewpoint Variations on Transformer-based Person Re-Identification