Chapter RDF
pages:- Machine Learning in Healthcare: Current Trends and the Future
- Machine Learning in Oil and Gas Industry
- Machine Learning in Wax Deposition
- Macroalgae Recognition Based on Histogram Oriented Gradient
- Malicious Web Page Detection: A Machine Learning Approach
- Mammogram Classification Using Curvelet GLCM Texture Features and GIST Features
- Management and Realization of SLA for Providing Network QoS
- Measuring Deliberative Attitude and Attributes in Political Corporate Social Responsibility
- Measuring Deliberative Attitude and Attributes in Political Corporate Social Responsibility
- Mechanical Performance Improvement by Carbon Dioxide Curing of Cement Concrete Incorporating Oil Shale Residue
- Mechanical properties of oil palm biocomposites enhanced with micro to nanobiofillers
- Mechanism of Alkaline Surfactant Polymer in Oil-Water Interface: Physicochemical of Fluid Rheology, Interfacial Tension and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- Mechanism of Heat Transfer with Nanofluids for the Application in Oil Wells
- Membrane technologies for condensate recovery from natural gas
- Membrane Technology for Microalgae Harvesting
- Mental Stress Quantification Using EEG Signals
- Mercury emissions, hazards and preventive measures: A review
- Meta-Heuristic Approaches for the Optimization of Hydropower Energy
- Meta-Heuristic Structure for Multiobjective Optimization Case Study
- Microalgae cultivation for sustainable biofuel production
- Microhardness and Process Parameter Optimization of Friction Stir Welding on an AA5052 Thin Plate
- Microtechnology and Nanotechnology Advancements Toward Bio-Molecular Targeting
- Microwave Absorption of Coconut Wasted Derived Activated Carbon
- Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Liquefaction of Kenaf Stalks for Bio-oil Production
- Millennial tourism
- Milling time influence of ultrafine treated rice husk ash to pozzolanic reactivity in portlandite
- Mindfulness Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Mix design proportion for strength prediction of rubbercrete using artificial neural network
- Mobile English Learning System: A Conceptual Framework for Malaysian Primary School
- Model Identification Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach