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Buang, Azizul bin




  • He is a senior lecturer at the Chemical Engineering Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia, where he teach and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is also affiliated with the Centre of Advanced Process Safety (CAPS) and the Institute of Contaminant Management (ICM) at UTP, where he conduct research on process safety, risk assessment, fire and explosion protection, human factors and wastewater minimization. He have years of industrial experience as a process engineer at MULTISAFE Malaysia, a latex glove manufacturer, and as an Associate Facility Engineer at ESSO Production (Malaysia) Inc (now ExxonMobil). He have also done various training and consultancy works for various clients in the oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment and lime manufacturing industries. Some of the topics he have covered include hazardous area classification, human factors, consequence modelling, quantitative risk assessment, process safety management, fire safety and protection design philosophy, wastewater minimization study, CIMAH industrial activity report, HAZOP study and dust hazard assessment.

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full name

  • Azizul bin Buang

primary email

  • azizul.buang@utp.edu.my
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