EEG neurofeedback for dyslexia treatment: Limitations and future directions Academic Article uri icon


  • Abstract This study reviewed recently published scientific literature on the use of EEG neurofeedback for dyslexia treatment. Dyslexia is characterized as severe difficulty in spelling, reading, learning, memorizing as well as sequential activities. Traditional program designed to teach reading enhancement are mostly less effective or require intensive therapy over long periods of time. This research aim is to determine whether learning disabilities among dyslexic’s children can be improved by electroencephalography neurofeedback therapy. Some suggestive discoveries have been reported on the effectiveness of neurofeedback training to enhance learning performance. Due to the limitation in terms of sample size and single-band training protocol in neurofeedback research for dyslexia treatment, the association between neurofeedback training and improvement in learning disability has yet to be established. This review highlights several suggestions to help and accelerate future research.


  • Othman, Ernee Sazlinayati
  • Faye, Ibrahima
  • Sundaram Muthuvalu, Mohana
  • Naufal Mohamad Saad, Mohamad

publication date

  • 2020

start page

  • 012028


  • 1497


  • 1