publication venue for
- Morpho‐palynological and anatomical studies in desert cacti (Opuntia dillenii and Opuntia monacantha) using light and scanning electron microscopy. 85:2801-2812. 2022
- Pollen morphology of selected melliferous plants and its taxonomic implications using microscopy. 85:2361-2380. 2022
- Taxonomic significance of cypsela morphology in tribe Cichoreae (Asteraceae) using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 83:239-248. 2020
- Role of trees in climate change and their authentication through scanning electron microscopy. 82:92-100. 2019
- Identification of green energy ranunculaceous flora of district Chitral, Northern Pakistan using pollen features through scanning electron microscopy. 81:1004-1016. 2018