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Mohyaldinn Elhaj, Mysara Eissa




  • Dr Mysara Eissa Mohyaldinn is a senior lecturer with UniversitiTeknologi PETRONAS, UTP, Malaysia in Petroleum Engineering Department. During his academic career, Dr Mysara has been teaching more than 10 subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels besides conducting short courses to petroleum companies in the area of production optimization, oil and gas transportation, and surface production facilities. Dr Mysara primary research goals are directed towards flow assurance, sand management, and oil transportation. Beside his teaching and research experience, Dr Mysara has been working with multi-national oil companies in some petroleum projects. Dr Mysara Eissa Mohyaldinn hold a PhD degree in Petroleum Engineering, a Master degree in oil transportation and a Bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering.

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full name

  • Mysara Eissa Mohyaldinn Elhaj

primary email

  • mysara.eissa@utp.edu.my
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