Automated Geological Features Detection in 3D Seismic Data Using Semi-Supervised Learning Academic Article uri icon


  • A geological interpretation plays an important role to gain information about the structural and stratigraphic of hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, this is a time-consuming task due to the complexity and size of seismic data. We propose a semi-supervised learning technique to automatically and accurately delineate the geological features from 3D seismic data. To generate labeling data for training the supervised Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, we propose an efficient workflow based on unsupervised learning. This workflow utilized seismic attributes and KernelPCA to enhance the visualization of geological targets and clustering the features into binary classes using K-means approach. With this workflow, we are able to develop a data-driven model and reduce human subjectivity. We applied this technique in two cases with different geological settings. The synthetic data and the real seismic investigation from the A Field in the Malay Basin. From this application, we demonstrate that our CNN-based model is highly accurate and consistent with the previous manual interpretation in both cases. In addition to qualitatively evaluating the interpretations, we further extract the predicted result into a 3D geobody. This result could help the interpreter focus on tasks requiring human expertise and aid the model’s prediction in the next studies.

publication date

  • 2022

start page

  • 6723


  • 12


  • 13