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Mohammed, Haetham Ghanim Abdulgalill




  • Haetham Mohammed is currently Dr. in Mechanical Eng. Dept at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. His research focused on Spark plasma sintering "magnetic anisotropy" and Materiomics with a special interest in the effect of induced fields on the atomic structure and crystalline texture. Proficiency comprises the design of a hybrid magnetic anisotropy SPS system. Offers expertise specific to the engineering of condensed matter such as perovskite, electrical/magnetic semiconductor, piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, pyroelectric, etc. cast in the form of co-continuous/periodic cellular composites or organs. His scientific research concentrates on the superexchange interaction of cations in functional ceramics with special interests in atomic structure and magnetic structure. His research is not limited to fundamental approaches, but also actively pursuing proof of concept via producing the products used as permanent magnets.

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full name

  • Haetham Ghanim Abdulgalill Mohammed

primary email

  • haetham.mohammed@utp.edu.my
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