publication venue for
- Chopper Stabilized, Low-Power, Low-Noise, Front End Interface Circuit for Capacitive CMOS MEMS Sensor Applications. 7. 2013
- Solar Chimney Model Parameters to Enhance Cooling PV Panel Performance. 7. 2013
- Stakeholder Perceptions on Achieved Benefits of PFI Procurement Strategy. 7. 2013
- The Influence of Cover on the Water Quality and Suspended Solids Under the Simulated Rainfall Condition. 7. 2013
- E-shopping: An Analysis of the Uses and Gratifications Theory. 6. 2012
- E-shopping: an Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model. 6. 2012
- Effect of Antecedent Conditions on Prediction of Pore-Water Pressure using Artificial Neural Networks. 6. 2012
- The Outcome of Politically Connected Boards on Commercial Bank Performance in Malaysia. 7. 2012
- Towards Digital Economy: The Development of ICT and E-Commerce in Malaysia. 5. 2011