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Jumbri, Khairulazhar bin

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr.



  • Khairulazhar Jumbri received his PhD degree in Physical Chemistry (including Computational Chemistry) from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2015. His PhD study was funded by National Science Fellowship (NSF), from Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia. During his PhD, he went for a research attachment at Minho University, Portugal where he learnt molecular modelling simulation specifically Molecular Dynamics (MD) technique. Currently he is a senior lecturer at Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. He also attached to the Centre of Research in Ionic Liquids (CORIL) and become head of Renewable Energy cluster under the research center. For his professional memberships, he is currently the associate member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK and American Chemical Society (ACS), USA. In terms of research, his areas of specializations are related to O&G such as carbon capture and separation (CCS), contaminant management and ionic liquids. Accordingly, he has published many research papers in recognized publisher such as RSC, Elsevier and MDPI including of book chapters of late. He also presented his research outcomes in several international conferences and forums. Previously he has been selected by Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings to attend the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (dedicated to Chemistry) in 2017.

selected publications

education and training

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) 2015
  • M.Sc. in Chemistry (Biocatalysis) 2010
  • B.Sc. in Chemistry (Petroleum Chemistry) 2006

full name

  • Khairulazhar bin Jumbri

primary email

  • khairulazhar.jumbri@utp.edu.my
Publications in VIVO
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