- Dr Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Shah did his PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His prime research interest is in the field of fibre-reinforced composites, impact resistance/damage tolerance of composite structures, multiscale progressive damage modelling of textile composites, micromechanics modelling of composites (finite element and analytical), geometric modelling and analysis of textile/discontinuous fibre-reinforced composites, writing user-defined subroutine/material model, polymer composite manufacturing, characterization and product design. His PhD thesis is focused on the development of resin-infused thermoplastic 3D textile composite, using novel liquid thermoplastic resin (Elium) and the computational framework for progressive failure analysis of 3D textile composites. This was a joint project between UTP and The University of Derby, UK and it is supported by their industrial collaborator (Textech Industries, USA and Arkema, France). This study presented an extensive investigation on the mechanical properties, impact resistance, damage tolerance and failure mechanisms of resin-infused thermoplastic 3D textile. In addition to this, a three-dimensional multiscale progressive damage model was developed, for 3D textile composites to predict their damage response under different mechanical loads. During his PhD, he published his work in several high quality and high impact factor journals including Composite structures, Composite Part B: Engineering and International Journal of Mechanical Sciences and some of his manuscripts are under revision.