- He is an educator and researcher at UMPSA before joining Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. He obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Chemical Engineering from UTM Skudai and his Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) degree from TU Berlin, Germany. His passion in process systems engineering (PSE) for the past 20 years has acquired him the essential skills and knowledge to design, model, and simulate varieties of chemical process systems i.e. biodiesel production, hydrogen production, carbon capture system, dividing wall column, oleochemical fractionation and many others. To date, he have published more than 28 papers, participated in over 55 conferences and exhibitions, managed grants amounting to more than RM 1.6 million, and consulted projects valued more than RM 2.5 million. His accomplishments thus far enabled him to be recognized as CEng (UK) and PEng (BEM). His vivacity in promoting PSE in education and industries motivated him to established CC-SISPI, a competence center focused on PSE related areas. His enthusiasm and dedication to mentoring and helping others had helped him create successful teams. Furthermore, with his ability to adapt to changes, handling multiple tasks on a daily basis and working well under pressure has significantly motivated other team members and brought out not only the best in himself but to the overall group achievement.