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Mohd Taib, Shakirah binti

Ts. Dr.



  • Shakirah Mohd Taib received the bachelor's degree in information technology from Universiti Utara Malaysia and the M.Comp. degree from the University of Tasmania, Australia. She is a Lecturer and a Researcher with the Centre for Research in Data Science (CeRDaS), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. She has more than 15 years working experience at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). Her research interests include data science, machine learning, knowledge discovery, and information retrieval, using Artificial Intelligence techniques. She is a member of international organization, such as Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and Association for Information Systems (AIS).

selected publications

full name

  • Shakirah binti Mohd Taib

primary email

  • shakita@utp.edu.my
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