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Lam, Man Kee




  • Dr. Lam Man Kee is currently a senior lecturer at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering (Renewable Energy) from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2014. His research interests are in microalgae cultivation, biomass & biodiesel production, heterogeneous catalyst development, life cycle energy assessment and social-economic impact of biofuel. He has more than 9 years experiences in growing microalgae for biofuel production, as well as consultancy project with industry related to algae research. Apparently, he has published more than 100 papers in ISI/SCOPUS-indexed journals with total citations of 3882 and H-index of 29 (SCOPUS database, March 2021). He is currently serving as the Deputy Editor of International Journal of Biomass & Renewables (UTP Press) and Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering (Omics International). He also had delivered several short courses to the academic and industrial, such as "Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals", "Reaction Engineering and LCA for Biomass Conversion", "Academic Paper Writing in the Field of Chemical Engineering, Biomass and Biofuel", "Cultivation of Microalgae and Larvae for Biofuel Production" and "Writing and Publishing in High Impact Journal: Tricks & Tips".

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  • Lam Man Kee

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